Living with Brain InjuryLiving with brain injury can be a harrowing experience to say the least. It has been unlike anything else I have experienced in my life and something I would never wish upon another person.
I have felt alone on my journey through much of my time since my injury. I was deep in my despair because of my pain and that went along with new limitations thrust upon me in my life, setting me apart from most others in my age group. It was extremely difficult and I learned something that has stuck with me. A lot of people talk about comparing and they say it’s like “apples to oranges.” Well, when you have a brain injury you have to look at it completely differently. It is more like “apples to green beans.” Sure I may look like I am in my 40’s and I would love to be dating and living like my friends or how society “deems” it to be. However, I have to remember, I am the “green bean.” I am lucky to be alive. Each day that I can do some mundane tasks is a win. Is it frustrating? Oh, yes it is! But, it’s also important to focus on this fabulous quote by the Dalai Lama. He said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” So let’s focus on the wonderful things we can control. When we can focus on these things in our life we can begin to take control and cultivate happiness in our lives. Here are some great tools to help us on our journey to living healthy, productive lives, with brain injury. |